Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Some trends that can tick one off

We know something is wrong with our civilization and all the frills that come along with it when you start suspecting it. When we call ourselves civilized and cultured people, yet somehow that idea is something I am yet to encounter.

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Let me list out some plain points that get my vein popping with anger:

1. Doesn’t that annoying commercial on television make you mad since it’s the twentieth time you’re seeing it dance up on the screen? At this point, the Baskin Robbins ice-cream ad shall receive special mention. ‘Ice cream and cake’ has hit my ear so many times that I think I am going to be nauseous when I am served one. The background music is infuriatingly corny, and at times I am irked to the extent that I could bang my head on the wall. Why do the ads have to come up just when I am watching a nail-biting match on television! Is my fate in shambles?
2. The North Carolina Revenue Department has an amazing lag time in processing tax refunds. Why is it that even though we filed our revenue electronically and our refund form should have taken no more than 30 seconds to be typed and sent, yet we are politely asked to wait for two weeks for a check? Isn’t that ridiculous?
3. You should really read the comments section on the internet. You will be able to distinctly differentiate between the intellectual, smart and comical comments from the snotty, gross and phooey comments that are displayed. I wonder if the latter comments come from sane human beings or ravaging animals without an inkling of a hint gesturing that these guys have anything called brains. Somebody tell them they’re just displaying their own numb-skull skills.
4. Then there are the frustrating soaps featuring on television shows – they have used every topic known to man, so they might make serials like ‘Whodunit in the bathroom!’
5. Automated phone systems: Absolutely blah!
6. Some generous social worker really should teach those illiterate employees at the drive-through restaurants how to read. Is there a conspiracy in place to not give me all the items I end up paying for? C’mon! Where’s my burger, guys?

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